
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Bendy Door

  Many years ago when I was younger and living with my family, we had a comfortable home. It wasn’t perfect. It had its flaws. But it was warm, dry and comfortable. The living room had a door which led from the room out onto the downstairs landing. The top right hand corner of the door leaned out a very tiny bit at that corner. None of us ever noticed it nor paid any attention to it in all the years since the door was hung. The door never creaked and when it was left ajar it stayed in the position we left it.   It was used quite a lot to regulate the temperature of the room when we got too warm. We would open the door very slightly, or halfway, and the door would silently open and stay in that position until we needed to close it again. One day a friend, who was a woodworker, called to visit me. I brought him in to wait for a few minutes while I finished off what I was doing. As he was sitting there he noticed the closed door with its slightly outward incline on the top rig...
