
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Path Less Travelled.

I was on holiday once in Wales and I got the chance to visit the old castle at Rhyl on the north coast. There wasn’t much in the town itself. It was a good enough seaside town, as good as any other seaside town anywhere else. But it had an old castle. And since I love exploring old castles and cathedrals I took myself off a wander. The castle was being worked on to prepare for a medieval re-enactment festival of some sort and I distinctly remember the jousting stalls being set out in place. The whole place was all very “Narnian” even before Narnia became as well-known as it is today. I moved away from the work areas and since the castle is built on the side of a hill I went upwards to the older parts of the castle and explored further. Pretty soon I was disoriented. The castle walls and rooms had given way to more open structures and foliage had started to grow over it. I was lost. I was standing there on this overgrown pathway wondering which way to go. I couldn’t go back as part...

Badgees? We Don' Need No Badgees!

Two farmers were leaning on a gate and looking into a field. They were pondering the field, and in particular something that was happening just beyond the brow of a slope. A policeman happened to be driving by and he stopped. “What are you looking at, men?” asked the policeman. “Oh, nothing much”, they said. “We’re just pondering what could be moving about on yonder side of the field”. “Well”, said the policeman. “Maybe I’ll just take a walk over there and see what it is”. “I wouldn’t be too hasty in doing that”, replied the farmer. “Why not?” asked the policemen. “Well, I own this field and I wouldn’t be allowing you to just wander over there”, replied the farmer. The policeman produced his badge and said, “You see this here badge? It’ll get me into almost any place I want providing I am on legal police business”. “Well”, said the farmer. “I still wouldn’t be recommending that you wander into my field”. At which point the policeman climbed over the gate and start...

Where's Your Back Door?

There is a story, (and it’s just that – A story) about a new young preacher touring the Bible-belt area of the southern states of America. He was invited to preach at a small country church and duly went along to the service. After delivering his sermon and singing some final hymns and songs, the deacons moved from the sides and filed into the aisle with some baskets. They lifted the covers off the baskets and the Minister of the little church went down, reached into one of the baskets and lifted out a poisonous snake. He then proceeded to walk up and down the aisle and hold the snake above his head. Some of the deacons followed suit. The minister then passed the snake over to a member of the congregation and then went back to the stage and sat beside the young preacher. They watched as the congregation passed the snakes around and danced and swayed amongst each other while singing gospel choruses. At this point the young preacher began to get very, very nervous. So he leaned over ...

All Hail The King.

Sir: To keep you ever mindful of the Law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, receive this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God. This is the ceremonial dialogue that will be recited as King Charles III is presented with a copy of the Holy Bible. A Bible has been presented to every Monarch as part of every Coronation ceremony since 1689 when it was presented to William III, Prince of Orange and his wife Queen Mary. It is called “The Royal Law” and “The Lively Oracles Of God”. Over 1000 years of heritage and history is contained within our Monarchy. What other Nation can make such a claim of longevity? It hasn’t been a perfect system by any means. But then again, no ceremony is. Everything from The Papacy to The Presidency has all been flawed in one way or another. But “ceremonies” are what every culture has in common. E...
