What’s In A Name?
Nicknames have always been a staple in the workplace. And while a few of them were derogatory I have found that the majority of them were quite funny and quite poignant. One well known guy was nicknamed “The Stabiliser”. This was on account of his feet having a pronounced “out-turn”. They were nearly 180 degrees wide when he stood up. Another famous guy was nicknamed “Wingnut” on account of his ears sticking out like a wingnut. It was said of one other guy who had a limp that he had a short leg and an even shorter one. I remember one guy I worked with was called “Wire-Neck” on account of having bits of metal clamped to his neck after an operation on his vertebrae. He was in a traffic accident in his younger days and had to have his spine stapled together. “The Hat” just generally referred to anyone who was a manager on account that historically they wore Bowler hats or any other type of hat that distinguished them from the ordinary workers. But it wasn’t just people who had...