In The Darkest Of Nights.
It’s another lovely warm evening, and I take a look outside at the night sky once again. I sit there for a few moments and watch the stars glisten overhead. Faint satellites are sliding by. Aircraft move overhead with their navigation lights flashing. It’s all too easy to get very comfortable here in the quiet and the solitude. But pretty soon my mind wanders to other things. I think of friends and family overseas. And I say a quick prayer to God to keep them in His hand. I think of past friends who I knew over the years and wonder how their lives have fared. I think of other friends who are dealing with long term and short term sicknesses. I say another prayer for them. And I continue to look at the sky in wonder at the majesty of God. And how insignificant we seem to be on this planet… Psalm Ch 8 (3)When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained. (4)What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?...