The White Stone.
Weddings. Who doesn’t love a good wedding? They are as good a reason as any for a great get-together and party with family and friends. I have been to a good few weddings over the years. And although they mostly all had a central theme every single one of them was essentially different. Everything from the colours to the location, the theme, and the style. They are all organised in such a way that reveals the thoughts, joys and delights of the couple getting married. And each one was as intense in their preparation as they were magnificent in their presentation. As we go through all the forms vows and of the ceremonies we are all no doubt looking forward to one particular event. The Reception. It is here that all the seriousness and the gravity of the ceremony is set aside and the merriment and celebration begins. And, just like the main ceremony, the reception is designed around the likes, loves and wishes of the happy couple. But there is one particular tradition which...