Resting in His Arms.
I remember once when I was a teenager that I had been away on an activity training weekend. This involved camping, outdoor activity exercises, early mornings and late nights. It was quite a busy weekend. I got home from the event sometime around late Sunday afternoon and went to bed for a quick sleep. At some point my Dad came to waken me and told to that I should get up as it was seven o’clock. I said “Thanks Dad. I’ll go out and see my friends for a couple of hours”. He said, “No. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. It’s time to get up for work. You’ve been in a deep sleep all night”. I was astonished. I was still wearing the clothes that I had lay down in the previous afternoon. I didn’t realise that I was so tired that nothing could disturb my sleep. In later years I have come to realise that there is a lesson to be learned from that. Sometimes we just need to decided to rest. To take a total break from everything. To just sit and do nothing, nothing at all. I used t...