I’ve Sent Her Legs To Hell…..
“I’ve Sent Her Legs To Hell…..” I knew a man many years ago. He was a wonderful person to know. Very kind. Uncomplicated. Laid back. He was a good few years older than me at the time and I had the greatest of pleasures of calling him a friend. We would talk of many things. But he was always curious about my interest in The Bible. Not in a bad way. You see, he was a very staunch denominational person while I attended other churches that were non-denominational. I would share many thoughts and musings from my Bible. But he just couldn’t grasp how he, as a lifelong member of a very long established denominational church, had never heard of some of the simple Bible stories I was telling him. (Not because I was in any way special, but more because his church was very lax in their teachings). Anyway, we met up one time for our regular coffee and chat and his demeanour was so very downhearted. I asked him what was wrong but he didn’t talk. He wanted to, but was so very withdrawn t...