The Cross Beside Me.

 This is a story. An allegory. A parable, if you will…

A man arrived at the gates of Heaven seeking admission.

The gate-keeper asks “Name, please?” The man gives his name.

“What Church did you belong to?” asks the gate-keeper.

 “I didn’t belong to any Church”, says the man.

“Ok”, says the gatekeeper. “What good things, or charitable acts of kindness did you do in your life?”

“None,” said the man. “I lived the life of a career criminal and a thief”.

“Well, what makes you think that you can get in here?” asks the gatekeeper.

The man looked past the gatekeeper and pointed, “That man there said I could come”.

The gatekeeper turned and looked to where the man was pointing and then asked, “And how do you know him?”

The man replied “He was hanging on the cross beside me a few days ago. He said I could come”.



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