Un-Prayed Answers.

There was a vehicle driving along a narrow country road. It was a tight wee road with grassy banks rising up from either side. The vehicle was a single decker bus, wider than a normal vehicle, but comfortably fitted on the road. While heading up toward the brow of a hill, all of a sudden there appeared another vehicle approaching from the opposite direction. It was a large agricultural lorry, a wide vehicle also. Both vehicles were approximately 8ft (2.5M) wide. The road was only 14ft (4.2M) wide. And the suddenness of the event meant that there was very little time to react.

The first vehicle managed to stop quite quickly hard up against the grassy bank. But the oncoming vehicle didn’t manage to stop. The driver of the first vehicle braced and waited for the impending impact…….. And waited.

There was no time to pray. There was no time to even think about “fight or flight”. There was just no time to do anything.

The driver opened his eyes and looked in his side view mirror and watched as the other vehicle kept on driving along the road, tilted up at an angle of 45 degrees with two of its wheels up on the other grassy bank. The two vehicles never touched. The second vehicle emerged and then rolled onto its side totally blocking the road.

No one was injured. The other driver had hurt himself but was up and walking around, having managed to safely exit his vehicle very quickly.

It all sounds very unlikely and slightly exaggerated. But I know every word of it to be true because I was the driver of the first vehicle.

In the brief 2 to 3 seconds of the event here was no time for anyone to take any evasive action. We just had to sit and await the outcome of the events. And no one on this earth can ever tell me that something miraculous didn’t happen there.

You see, we have all heard about “unanswered prayers”. But our God is a God who specialises in answering prayers even before we know what to pray for. He provides us with “un-prayed answers”.

His Word says…

                Isaiah 65:24 'Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear.'     

                 Matthew 6:8 ‘…your Father knows what you need before you ask him.’ 

Remember also in Acts of the Apostles ch12 v6-19 where Peter was held in jail at Herod’s command, in chains and under heavy guard. Peter’s friends were all in another house praying for his safety and release. While they were praying there was a sharp knock on the door and a woman called Rhoda went to answer it. She was so astonished that Peter had been miraculously set free and was standing in front of her that she didn’t even invite him in. She rushed in to tell the others that Peter was at the door. Peter’s release was the very thing that they had been praying for all along. They were on their knees pleading and Peter was walking along the road.

God knows our hearts and our needs. He knows them even before we do.

Sometimes, although it will probably be the hardest thing to do, all we need to do is trust that He will make all things good in His own time.




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