Getting My Stories Mixed Up.
I read a story in an old book which goes like this….. Many years ago a young lad was asked to recount his favourite Bible story. His parents were church workers and the young lad was taken to all the meetings. And he had heard the Bible stories many, many times. When asked to stand up and recount his favourite story he got flustered. But he carried on anyway….. Once upon a time a man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho. And he fell among the thorns. The thorns grew up and chocked him. And he went on. And didn’t have any money. He went to the Queen of Sheba, and she gave him one thousand talents of money and a hundred changes of raiment. And then he got into a chariot and drove furiously. And when he was driving under a big old Juniper tree, his hair got caught on the limb of the tree. And he hung there many days. And the ravens brought him food to eat and water to drink. Afterward he was hungered and he ate five thousand loaves and two small fishes. One night while he was hanging t...