The Plumbline.
Many years ago I was sent to work on a particular job. It was to install overhead lighting in a large department store. “Should be easy enough”, I thought. ”I’ve worked on several jobs like that”.
And in my mind I was thinking out the basic processes that I had encountered before. Easy job. Run the cables and pipework along the overhead steel beams. Consult the drawings for where the lights are to be situated. Hang the lights down from chains that have been screwed into the ceilings. Dead easy. Everything is in straight lines and everything is squared off.
Alas. It was not to be. This building had been built as a wedge shape and none of the beams were parallel. They ran out like the lines of a fan. But the aisles of the store were all straight lines and right angles. All my plans and measurements were criss-crossing everywhere.
What I finally had to do was make my measurements on the floor between the aisles and then the apprentice was up on the scaffolding with a plumbline and we transferred the marks from the floor to the ceiling. We finally got the job done but it took a lot more time as we were moving scaffolding and taking measurements in between the aisles.
Let me pause right there. For those of you who don’t already know what a plumbline is – It’s simply a length of string with a weight at the end of it. The weight is allowed to dangle from the string and it will always be a perfectly straight vertical line. The reason that it is called a “plumb line” is because the weight is usually made of lead. And the Latin word for lead is “plumbum”. Therefore a plumbline is a length of string with a weight at the end of it.
Where the plumbline will fail is if the weight actually touches the ground. There can be no compromise. The weight can hang as close to the floor as it needs to be but must never touch it. Then the string will become slack and will not be straight any more.
And in a sense this could used as an analogy for Jesus' mission to Earth. He came all the way to Judea and led a sinless life. But if he have touched sin at any point then His journey was ruined.
The Bible uses the term of plumbline to symbolise God’s standards of righteousness….
As we go through the churches and christian society today it starts to get very confusing. The basic fundamental doctrines of our christain faith are being eroded, or under attack. No longer do we speak of the importance of repentance from sin. Or living a life after Christ’s example. Seldom do we talk about being respectful or solemn when worshipping God.
Too many are wanting to learn how to play instruments for praise bands or to join drama groups. Not enough people want to learn the structures of God’s word and to learn how the Bible is actually layed out.
Our spiritual plumblines are starting to sway in the wind. Having a spiritual plumbline is actually quite a necessary thing for a meaningful christian life.
The Bible tells us about what happens if we start to think that that we don’t really need God.
Proverbs ch14 (12)There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
Churches nowadays are preaching a lovey-dovey gospel which has been severely watered down. I think that the balance is all wrong between services today and solid bible based teaching about God’s standards is really lacking in today’s church. They worship a God of Love and don’t mention the God of Judgement. They preach about a coming revival, or “God doing a new thing” but they don’t mention sacrificial living and giving. And it is weakening the church of today.
We need to get back into serious meaningful christian teaching. We need to start taking on board all of God’s instructions and not to let misinterpretation of the bible mislead us. We need to maintain our standard of teaching. Because, once the plumbline touches the floor it becomes no use to anyone.
ch119 (105)Your word is a
lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
He alone had power to keep. Fix your eyes upon Him.
Jesus is a faithful friend.
One on whom you can depend.
He is faithful to the end. Fix your eyes upon Him.
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