
Showing posts from May, 2024

Worry Can Be A Good Thing.

“Stress” seems to be quite a popular complaint among people in this day and age. But, is it a new thing? Do we have the right to sit here and stress out about things and to also presume that our parents and grandparents didn’t stress out about things too? They had their own sets of problems to worry about. Money wasn’t so easy to come by. There were illnesses and sicknesses back in those days that, thanks to medical advancements, we don’t have to worry about any more. And yet, nowadays, crime, sickness and debt seems to be increasing everywhere. And I think of the times over my life that I had been stressed about something or someone. And I can guarantee you this, the amount of worry that I had invested in those things far outweighed the amount that was really needed. Yes, I had debts. But God had put me into a job that allowed me to pay them off. Yes, I had family worries. But God had allowed me to be surrounded with a very supportive family network to help me. And as I...

In The Middle Of A Storm

I remember once many years ago when I was at school we went on a fishing trip. It was a deep-sea fishing trip. I’d never been on one before. And please allow me to share with you that after this particular experience I never ever went deep-sea fishing again. Ever. It was a horrible experience.   The seasickness was deeply embedded into my memory. I still remember the trip vividly.   What struck me most was that I was in this difficult situation and there was no way for me to get out of it. I was stuck.  At sea. Literally. Is it no coincidence then that around this time, as I happened to be recalling this event that I was reading up on some notes about Elijah fleeing from Queen Jezebel?  Jezebel had put a price on his head and Elijah was fearful and anxious for his life so he went and hid in some caves. And it was while he was there that God came and stood by Elijah … 1st Kings Ch19 (9)And there he went into a cave, and spent the night in that place; and beh...

Welcome to St. Goldilocks.

The vast majority of us have heard of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. And we all know the story of how Goldilocks was walking through the forest when she spied a cabin and went inside. Then the main plot of the story begins. As Goldilocks tried out the porridge, the chair and the bed there was always one that was far too uncomfortable or too cold, one that was not too comfortable or too hot and one that was just right. This story has given rise to something referred to as the “Goldilocks Zone”. It refers to an optimum area where everything is in balance and not too extreme. A comfort zone, if you will. Astronomers refer to our planet’s orbit as being in the Goldilocks zone. Too close to the sun and we would burn up. Too far away from the sun and we would freeze. Some businesses use the Goldilocks theory as a model and balance for their workplaces. Their dilemma is either too many workers but not enough work, or too much work and not enough workers. So the management try to...

The Honourable Clown.

I knew a guy once. He was a regular in a church I was attending. He was very quietly spoken and he always had a kind word. He was always eager to shake hands, etc. I knew him for many years and we always shared biblical thoughts and humourous jokes. He was the kind of guy whom everyone loved. And he loved everyone he knew, too. After a while we fell out of contact. But I came across him again one day when I was working on a building site. Our conversations started up again as though they had never stopped. It was great to connect with him again. On a certain day I was sitting in the works van having my lunch when my friend walked past. He waved into the van and went on his merry way. My co-worker then came out with some very derogatory comments about my friend. Well, I saw red!!!! “Do you know anything about him”? I asked? “Oh, I know him alright. He’s a clown”. Said the guy. “Oh, is he indeed?” I asked. “What’s his name”? The worker gave his name. “What’s his second ...

A Detour Here. A Detour There.

I grew up by the side of some rolling hills overlooking the city. And it was a regular haunt of ours to go up  there and play on its forested slopes. On many occasions I would go and sip water from a little spring that seeped up out of the ground before it flowed its way to join up with other streams and rivers further down the hillside. The problem was that there were no landmarks around the location of this spring. You kind of had to know where the location was before you could go and search for it. But, oh, it was so refreshing when we were playing around the hilltop on a warm and thirsty day. It was a great place to sit and look around. There were ancient burial grounds, ancient caves and ancient throne sites for crowning ancient kings all nearby. The area where we were was steeped in the ancient history of the ancient Isle of Erin, and the ancient lands and kingdoms of Ulidhia and Dalriadha. We could see the sites where the fort of an ancient king called McArt was situated. We...
