Worry Can Be A Good Thing.
“Stress” seems to be quite a popular complaint among people in this day and age. But, is it a new thing? Do we have the right to sit here and stress out about things and to also presume that our parents and grandparents didn’t stress out about things too? They had their own sets of problems to worry about. Money wasn’t so easy to come by. There were illnesses and sicknesses back in those days that, thanks to medical advancements, we don’t have to worry about any more. And yet, nowadays, crime, sickness and debt seems to be increasing everywhere. And I think of the times over my life that I had been stressed about something or someone. And I can guarantee you this, the amount of worry that I had invested in those things far outweighed the amount that was really needed. Yes, I had debts. But God had put me into a job that allowed me to pay them off. Yes, I had family worries. But God had allowed me to be surrounded with a very supportive family network to help me. And as I...