The Honourable Clown.

I knew a guy once. He was a regular in a church I was attending. He was very quietly spoken and he always had a kind word. He was always eager to shake hands, etc. I knew him for many years and we always shared biblical thoughts and humourous jokes. He was the kind of guy whom everyone loved. And he loved everyone he knew, too.

After a while we fell out of contact. But I came across him again one day when I was working on a building site. Our conversations started up again as though they had never stopped. It was great to connect with him again.

On a certain day I was sitting in the works van having my lunch when my friend walked past. He waved into the van and went on his merry way. My co-worker then came out with some very derogatory comments about my friend. Well, I saw red!!!!

“Do you know anything about him”? I asked? “Oh, I know him alright. He’s a clown”. Said the guy.

“Oh, is he indeed?” I asked. “What’s his name”? The worker gave his name.

“What’s his second name”? I asked. The co-worker started to falter then became all defensive and decided to turn the conversation around on me.

“Do you know him?” he asked. “Indeed I do. I’ve been friends with him for many years. I also know his wife and family.”

“Oh”, says the worker. “How do you know him, then?”

I promptly told the worker that it was known of his business how I knew him but that he was a very good friend of mine. I went on to tell the worker that he had no right to make such derogatory comments of my friend.

 After the dust had settled I started to share with my co-worker how I knew the guy. I told him that we were members of the same church and I also shared a little of the guy’s testimony of how Jesus had saved him from a difficult early life. (I had no qualms about sharing it as the guy’s testimony was on church record and was released many times on cassette tape).

 The co-worker’s demeanour started to dramatically change and he never ever again referred to my friend as a clown.

When we go through our lives people always look at us and slot us into their judgemental little boxes. They always presume that we are of a certain type of behaviour or character. And it’s nothing new. People have been doing it for centuries.

The disciples were often prejudged. Even when Jesus asked Philip to go and get Nathanael….

John Ch1 (45)Philip found Nathanael and said to him, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." (46)And Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see."

 Three verses later Nathanael’s demeanour had totally changed…

John Ch1 (49)Nathanael answered and said to Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"

And so shall it always be. People will misjudge us. Wrongly presume about us. And make assertions about us that are, more often than not, wholly untrue. But it shows the strength of our character that we just stand and recognise that the misguided opinions of other people are just that – misguided opinions. They don’t really know you. They don’t know what you have been through. They don’t know the life struggles that you have. Or the life battles you have fought. Perhaps at some time the Holy spirit, will bring you into contact with them and a friendship could develop. Who knows? God has His own way of doing things.

But in the meantime we should just keep on smiling and worshipping Jesus. Sometimes we forget to do it. Sometimes we let things slip. But Jesus is always near. Just keep remembering Him.

When the road is rough and steep. Fix your eyes upon Jesus.
He alone had power to keep. Fix your eyes upon Him.
Jesus is a faithful friend.
One on whom you can depend.
He is faithful to the end. Fix your eyes upon Him.


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