It’s About Time.
Sometimes over the years I have sat and pondered over my Bible, various churches I belonged to or visited, and various Christians that I have known or been involved with. I sat and looked at young Christian couples and families in the churches. I sat and watched young men serving as deacons and youth workers. I sat and watched older men serve as elders and church teachers. And I have seen the most tightly knit of couples, groups and cliques fall apart. Some quietly and discreetly, and some in scandals. I have seen the most unlikeliest of people stay firm friends for decades. I have seen the most vibrant of married couples end up seperating and going their separate ways, and I have seen the most introverted of couples stay happily married for their whole lives and have loving relationships together. And I didn’t realise it at the time but what I was actually watching was one of God’s great ingredients of “people building” that he has. Aside from the great work of redemption ...