One Wing Low.

Some years ago I got a chance to fly an aeroplane. It was one of those gift certificate things that gets you a one hour free flying lesson. I loved it. The experience gave me a few insights into some of the things a pilot has to think about when they take control of an aeroplane.

However, after the teaching pilot talked me through things and got the plane flying into the air he pointed out something very significant. “You’re making the exact same mistake that every single beginner makes,” he said.

I looked at him quizically. “You’re flying the plane at a slant”. He said. “We call it ‘one wing low’ .” He then pointed to a little dial which shows which angle the plane is actually flying at in relation to the horizon. True enough, the plane was slanty.

He then went on to explain that flying an aeroplane is not like driving a car. You can’t actually see directly out in front because the engine and propellor are in the way. You have to use the information that you get from the instruments and also look out the side windows to see what the ground is like below and around you.

What I was doing was trying to see ahead and therefore slightly tilting the plane to one side. Once he had explained this to me I started to pay more attention to the instruments and also enjoying the view through the side windows.

I could look out over my home city and see how all the hillsides rolled together and how the valleys all converged into one. I could see traces of the four rivers that converge to flow into the Lough on which the city sits. It was an altogether fascinating experience.

As I was reminded of this experience recently it struck me that in a lot of ways the analogy lends itself to our christian walk. All of us at some point carry on through our faith as if everything was normal. The apostle, Paul, pondered over this problem in his letter to the christians at Rome. Romans Ch7 reads…

Romans ch7 (15).....For what I am doing, I do not understand......

So, in actual fact, it wasn’t me who was just simply flying the plane. I was just sitting at the controls and making some basic simple manoevres while observing out through the windows. I had an experience pilot beside me. He was showing me all the information that I needed from the instruments and dials in front of me. And with a combination of these three things I could enjoy the flight.

Our daily christian life is like that. We don’t know what lies ahead. We can only go by the information that is given to us in our bibles. And sometimes also by looking around at our friends and church leaders around us for help. We also have the guidance of the Holy Spirit working in our hearts and minds guiding us through each day.

When we can learn to live our lives in this way then our christian walk becomes a lot more enjoyable.

David recited in his Psalm…

Psalm 16 (11)You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles of how Peter quoted this same verse in his sermon to the public of Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost…

Acts ch2 (28)You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of joy in your presence.'

And really, that’s all we need to do. Follow the instructions given to us from God’s Word, listen for the voice of Jesus and enjoy the company of our chritstian friends and leaders.

See My Jesus On The Cross, The People Crying;
Looking On, A Man Would Think It Tragedy
But What The World Could Not See
Was When They Nailed Him To That Tree
It Would Break The Chains Of Sin’s Captivity.

Love grew where the Blood fell.
Buds of Hope sprang up for men in misery.
Sin died where the Blood fell.
I’m so glad His precious Blood has covered me.

Lyrics – John Starnes.

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