The Forgotten Artifact.

So often we have heard sermons preached so much about a certain subject or incident in the Bible that we forget some of the other things that occurred alongside these incidents. We have heard countless sermons and talks preached about the Israelite’s journeys through the Sinai Wilderness – The crossing of the Red Sea, The building of The Tabernacle and the Ark Of The Covenant, The fiery pillar by night which was seen as a cloud by day, The giving of The Ten Commandments, etc.

But there was also another ancient artifact that was solemnly carried through the desert that we seem to have forgotten about. The coffin containing the body of Joseph.

Genesis Ch50 v22-26 tells us of Joseph’s death, and how he was embalmed and put into a coffin. But his body was not taken to the Promised Land until after Moses had risen to power. There he was kept for approximately 140 years before Moses was raised up and ready to challenge Pharaoh to “let God’s people go”.

The events of the plagues of Egypt and the first Passover then happened before Pharaoh relented.

Exodus Ch13 v19 Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the Israelites swear an oath. He had said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place."

You see, Joseph knew that God would redeem the people of Israel from their exile in Egypt. Yet he died long before the event actually happened. Hebrews Ch11 tells us…

Hebrews Ch11 v22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones.

So, the Children of Israel buried Joseph in a place called Shechem which is about 30 miles north of Jerusalem There is still a revered monument there to this day.

 Joshua Ch24 v32  And Joseph's bones, which the Israelites had brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem…

So, when we read of the adventures and the encounters of the Children of Israel in the wilderness, remember Joseph’s body was taken there too. Firstly went Jehovah in the Pillar and Cloud of Fire. Then went the Ark of the Covenant ahead of the people. Followed by everything else – The equipment for the Tabernacle in the wilderness and also Joseph’s coffin. And the people followed on behind equippied with their farming implements and also their weapons for war.

I have written this short, end-of-year blog because I believe that it’s good for us to remember some of our past. Our friends, our experiences and our memories. We build our lives on them all.

It was also this weekend exactly two years ago that I decided to start the “These Lively Oracles” blog. And nowhere in my wildest dreams or deepest imaginings did I ever think that it would turn into what it has become.

And I thank every one of you for your support.

And, hopefully, by God’s grace and leading, I shall be able to bring more insights and thoughts from my studies in God’s word as we go into 2025. And I pray that you all will be with me along the way.

Thank you. And God Bless.

Jesus is a wonderful Saviour, He will carry you through;
Jesus is a wonderful Saviour, He will carry you through;
Jesus is a wonderful Saviour, He will carry you through.
And when the battle is done and the victory's won,
My Lord will carry you through.

But on that last day, when you're facing your maker.
You’ll see my Jesus. You see your Saviour;
He’ll ever hide you in the Rock of Ages,
In the Rock of Ages that was cleft for you.
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