The Howling.

There has been a strong wind blowing outside these last few nights. I could also hear the rain against the window. It has been cold and blowy.

And it brought back a memory from my childhood of another windy night. But this time the gales were moaning and howling. Literally moaning and howling. They reminded me of the banshee scene from the Disney movie Darby O’Gill And The Little People. I was frightened. I curled up on the chair beside my dad and he explained to me that is what happens to wind when it is forced to change direction.

You see, we lived on a street where the houses on either side of the street formed a funnel like shape and faced toward the sea. Sometimes the wind blew in from the sea and up the street. And when it reached our house it had to change direction and it was forced between the other houses. This strange quirk between buildings and nature caused the howling sound that had frightened me all those years ago.

To further reinforce his explanation, my father reached into the back of a cupboard and pulled out a reed that would be used in a musical instrument. (He had played the bagpipes in his younger day). When he blew into it it made a screeching sound. It was a horrible raucous sound but it showed me the exact principle that he was trying to explain.

I was never afraid of that howling wind again.

So, it came as no surprise that one of my bible studies this week took me to John ch6 and one of the accounts of when Jesus calmed a storm. (See my blog The Forgotten Miracle for my thoughts on this).

This same account is recorded also in Matthew ch14 v22-36 and also Mark Ch6 v45-56

And reading between all three accounts there were some things that my studies were able to enlighten me on…

1.     Jesus sent the disciples out onto the sea.

Mark 6:45  Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him

2.     Jesus knew they were there and the difficulties they faced.

Mark 6:48  He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.

3.     Jesus was in full control of the situation at all times.

Mark 6:50  ….Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Jesus knew everything about the storm. Jesus knew everything about their difficulties. And Jesus knew everything about their fears. For Jesus knew their hearts.

This was the same type of storm that regularly appeared around the Sea of Galilea. To this day the area is still known for its sudden storms and squalls. And some of the disciples, being fishermen by trade, would have known about them also.

And today, just as then, Jesus also knows our own fears and worries. He knows about us when our thoughts whirl about our minds like a howling wind. And just as He sent the disciples out onto the sea where they encountered the storm, so He knows the things that we will encounter as we go through our lives with Him.

So take heart in this one thing – Every storm will soon be stilled. Every thing that distresses us or makes us afraid will soon pass. And when that time has come we will realise the Jesus was never too far away all along.

Thank you Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you Lord, for making me whole;
Thank you Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free.

(Read about the storms in this blog… )

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