The Forgotten Artifact.
So often we have heard sermons preached so much about a certain subject or incident in the Bible that we forget some of the other things that occurred alongside these incidents. We have heard countless sermons and talks preached about the Israelite’s journeys through the Sinai Wilderness – The crossing of the Red Sea, The building of The Tabernacle and the Ark Of The Covenant, The fiery pillar by night which was seen as a cloud by day, The giving of The Ten Commandments, etc. But there was also another ancient artifact that was solemnly carried through the desert that we seem to have forgotten about. The coffin containing the body of Joseph. Genesis Ch50 v22-26 tells us of Joseph’s death, and how he was embalmed and put into a coffin. But his body was not taken to the Promised Land until after Moses had risen to power. There he was kept for approximately 140 years before Moses was raised up and ready to challenge Pharaoh to “let God’s people go”. The events of the plagues of Eg...